How to Create a Business Model Canvas

How to Create a Business Model Canvas

The target of a good business is to use its resources to facilitate the design, manufacture and sale of products or services that solve a customer’s need. The ability to achieve the objectives of your new business is to ensure that its operations depend on a strategic set of procedures. The best way to write the notable requirements is by using a business model with sufficient details about the company’s goals and expectations. However, the full business model is a big document that makes it impossible to follow. Thus, using a BMC becomes necessary to avail a business model but on a single page summary of the entire information. The following are steps to create a good BMC:

Consider the internal company elements

The business model canvas  (BMC) ‘s left section details the internal business entities that collaborate to facilitate business running. The first internal aspect of the BMC is the key resources, including human labor, the financial, intellectual and hardware. The resources are important to design products, manufacture using machines and human labor, and marketing and sales where finances play a part.

 Secondly, include the key partners on the left side of the BMC document. The partners are external entities in contact with the business by offering financial and collaborative support to your company’s operations. The partners are people offering goodwill towards your business.

Lastly, include the cost structure of your business on the document. The structure outlines the amount of money that you invest in producing goods and services for your target market. The costs summarize elements such as marketing, salaries and customer service.

Consider the value proposition and revenue streams

The aspects of value proposition revolve around your ability to identify customer needs and how your product or service helps solve the problems. The effectiveness of your product or service to satisfy a customer’s needs constitutes a valuable good. Therefore, the cost of such a product is high. On the other hand, revenue streams define the different ways you intend to make money from the business. First, ideas such as asset sales and renting out of company property suffice. Secondly, product sales and customer subscriptions are other ways to generate revenue.

Consider the customer service requirements

Another area to capture on the BMC is the aspect of customer service needs within the company. The target of the section is to define your target market to create the right marketing and sales strategies for maximum income. There should be understanding about whether the product is for a mass market where the whole population is the target or a niche market where you only sell to specific customers. Customer service involves the strategies you intend to use to solve client issues about buying, installation or maintenance problems for particular goods. The methods of personal assistance, self-service and automated service are alternatives depending on customer characteristics.


Using a business model canvas is popular because it makes business operations on a high-efficiency level. The visual characteristic of the BMC makes it a business tool for improving business profitability because it offers the aspects that influence business outcomes. Changing such aspects will ensure positive business outcomes.